Toys for work
Joy of joys – last night the UPS truck pulled up to our house. I went to the door expecting to get some package with computer parts Denis ordered. Nope. It’s my backordered “Frigits” from ThinkGeek. What are Frigits? Think marbles, magnets, spinny-things, chutes (no ladders – marbles can’t climb them). I can tell I’m not going to get much work done now – it’s so fascinating trying to set these up in different paths…
That’s definitely the most interactive toy I have at work – it’s too big to fit on my desk (plus my desk isn’t vertical or magnetic) so it’s on the back of a cabinet near my office. I also have magnetic words, a mini zen garden, and a bunch of knick-knacks. I think better when I have something to do with my hands (or even the part of my brain that isn’t working on whatever problem I’m trying to solve at the moment). If I could only bring stuff to occupy my hands during boring meetings – like knitting or something – I’m sure I’d pay more attention. As it is, all I can do it bring my Palm and play games on it – not something conducive to paying attention! But it looks like I’m taking notes or something, when in reality I’m trying to beat my best score in one of a myriad of solitaire games. Now hopefully my boss isn’t reading this. :)