
I meant to do a lot of stuff today – re-wallpaper my family room, work on my master’s project, etc. – that just didn’t get done. Instead I spent the day helping my parents haul out 27 years worth of junk from their basement. You know, all the stuff that gets accumulated through several moves, three kids, and a menagerie of dogs, cats, birds, bunnies, fish, rats, guinea pigs… But the coolest find (besides 3 dozen rolls of exposed but undeveloped black-and-white film) was a box of 8mm movies – and a working projector to show them on! That pretty much ended the day of cleaning as we watched movies (mostly of me – the curse of being the oldest child) from the late 70s. It was really nice.

I had a bunch of my cousins over to go swimming. I don’t think I could have arranged for better weather for a pool party – it was 78 degrees and sunny, and the water was 88 degrees. Sigh. We got my cousin’s dog Casper to almost like the pool. Molly, of course, was swimming around like the loch ness monster. She’s also started lifeguarding – if someone goes under the water, she swims over to rescue them. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know she can swim underwater, so she just circles around until the person surfaces. This makes diving a little more difficult. My little cousins Aaron and Emily loved the water – Emily spent about 2 hours retrieving diving rings from the bottom of the shallow end.

It cooled off a bit too, but it still hasn’t rained. Which means everything is dead and brown – except for the weeds, of course. And the lawns of the people in my neighborhood who are ignoring the water usage advisory and still using their sprinklers. I mean, it’s not like it isn’t obvious who they are… Hmmm. Those people must have planted a remarkably drought-resistant strain of grass. Or Astroturf. Give me a break! :)