Mmmm. Turkey…
Tonight we’re going to Matt’s Turkey Party. I made a huge batch of stuffing and sweet potato balls. Those are a complete experiment – they’re mashed sweet potatoes and butter rolled in crushed cornflakes, covered in maple syrup, with melted marshmallows on top. It sounds really strange, I know, but all the reviews I read of the recipe say they’re fantastic. I think they’re a perfect sounding accompaniment to fried turkey. We’ll have to see how they taste (I’m not going to tell anyone what they actually are until they taste them – otherwise, I’m sure I’d be bringing most of them back home!)
Day: November 17, 2001
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Well, as much as I absolutely loved the books, I have to admit (unwillingly) that I was a bit disappointed in the movie. Part of it was that so much had to be left out – and some of the left-out parts were favorites of mine – and part of it was because they tried to smoosh so much of the book into the movie, it ended up feeling like disjointed scenes from the book. <sigh> But it was really cool to see that the ideas I had in my head of how all the characters looked and sounded were almost exactly how they were in the movie! It’s really too bad they couldn’t make a mini-series with the same cast and faithfully reproduce the book… However, I’m glad I saw it, and it was really cool to see it on opening night. And the flying key lollipops that Dar bought us made it even better!