Still Stuffed
I am so glad leftovers last only a few days. I don’t think I can look at turkey, stuffing, or pumpkin pie for at least another year! I made a triple batch of stuffing (yes, I toasted 90 slices of bread and crumbled them into cubes) and four pumpkin pies. The sweet potato balls were actually a huge hit with my family – who would’ve guessed? – and of course, my grandmother made all the other trimmings.
Even better, I’m almost done with my Christmas shopping, and I have all the supplies for the things I’m making. I even managed to find a way to re-arrange my living room furniture to fit a tree. Now we just need to find a way to get a tree home… Unfortunately, the Shadow died. It just won’t start – doesn’t even try to turn over. We’re sure it’s not the battery, since jump-starting it didn’t work… Since it’s a 10-year-old car which also needs a new clutch and other assorted repairs, we’ve decided not to revive it again – which leaves us, at the moment, with only one car. And I’m having a hard time convincing Denis to get pine needles all over the inside of the Jetta. (OK, I’m not too sure I want that, either). So we also went used-car shopping this weekend. Which is a whole long story in itself…