I don’t have anything to write. Except that I’m in a really good mood for some unknown reason. Not that I’m complaining… :)
Month: November 2001
I guess
I guess I’m either too optimistic or unable to grasp reality. A plane crashed this morning, in Queens. My immediate reaction was to call Denis and make sure that the location of the crash was nowhere near his parents’ place – after all, they are along major flight paths for both JFK and LaGuardia… My second reaction was – well, it’s an accident. I mean, not to be crude or anything, but it just didn’t do enough damage to be along the same lines as the terrorist attacks. A number of people I’ve spoken to have immediately assumed it’s more terrorist stuff. No offense to anyone, but it might as well be if you believe that it is. That’s what terrorists want. They want you to live your life afraid of everything – and if you do, they win.
What happened this morning was a tragedy. But I believe that it was an accident. If something’s wrong with a plane that’s going to cause it to crash, that’s going to happen not long after takeoff. It puts an amazing amount of stress on the aircraft – it’s accelerating, and gaining altitude, and usually turning – all at the same time. What were the weather conditions? Was it windy? There are so many things that could cause a plane to crash – the miracle is that it doesn’t happen very often, despite all those things. So, instead of trying to pin the blame, I suggest we all take a deep breath, pray for the victims and their families, and go on living.
I’m getting an iPod!
I’m getting an iPod! Denis was trying to keep it as a surprise, but he’s not good at keeping things secret from me… If he wanted to really keep something secret, he’d have to not say anything at all about it – I’m just too good at guessing! He’s really cute about it, though – he actually pre-ordered it the day after I blogged about wanting one. And it’s coming today!!!
Between the iPod, the Harry Potter movie this weekend, and the Thanksgiving turkey crafts we’ll be doing at work later this week, I predict that I will be having a very good week. (OK, maybe I’m a little spoiled…)
After spending two days stuck
After spending two days stuck on the couch with an awful head cold, I (a) never want to see the couch again and (b) feel some strange urge to buy term life insurance. I probably saw about a hundred commercials for life insurance from various places. Of course, since I spent most of the first day watching movies on HBO and Cinemax, the commercials were all on the second day. Ouch! I think they maxed out while I was watching “Hello Dolly” on Bravo. Since advertisements are theoretically geared towards the expected audience, I was apparently watching this movie along with untold numbers of senior citizens.
I’m apparently not so much of a TV addict as Tina and Jenny are – if it had been anything but The Tick last night, I would have turned the TV off…but I just couldn’t help myself – I had to watch The Tick…ok, maybe I am a little addicted!
New Blogger
New Blogger
My friend Lisa is now blogging!
Deep Thoughts
Deep Thoughts
I think I’m having the post-Halloween blues. I woke up with a headache and things have just gone downhill from there… It doesn’t help that my job is uncertain right now and my master’s project has gone nowhere in two months. I’m completely out of shape, since I fell off the diet and excercise wagon months ago. I feel I’ve pretty much lost control of a bunch of things in my life – which is silly, since I can change everything but the uncertain job. (And I suppose there are even ways to change that, too.) I guess it’s time to make some changes…if it just weren’t so darn hard to do, I would’ve done it months ago. But hey, nothing worth doing is ever easy, right?
(Sorry for the depressing post, but hey, that’s what a journal’s for, after all.)