…and the color is?

…and the color is?
We picked up the car Wednesday… Unfortunately, we haven’t been home yet when there’s enough daylight to take a picture of the car. The title says it’s green. It’s not green! The jetta is green. Put them next to each other, and the wagon looks blue. Hopefully tomorrow will be sunny enough to take a good picture or two. Then I can get a collective opinion on what color this car is!

Now I just need to buy one of those nifty mesh barriers to go between the way back and the back seats and Molly can ride around in the back of the wagon. We saw a dog riding in the back of another wagon on our way to work. It was so cute – the dog was going back and forth across the car, looking out both sides, and the whole time his tail was wagging against the back window. He looked really happy.

I confess, I totally spoil my dog. Last night I went out and bought her Christmas presents. Yes, I buy my dog Christmas presents. She even has her own stocking. I might have gone a little overboard, though. I bought three new bones, a package of four tennis balls, a snake that has squeakers in it, and this container of what looks like playdough, but is actually “doggie-dough“. It’s like edible (well, doggy-edible) playdough that you shape into fun and exciting treats to feed your dog. Ok, I admit, it was a totally impulsive thing at the checkout. Especially since we don’t normally feed her soft treats since they’re bad for her teeth. But, hey, I’m sure I’ve wasted $3 on things that didn’t make half so good a blog topic before! :)