
Not that I’m anywhere near the Martha Stewart-level that Jenny has acheived, but I did make a fair number of the gifts I gave out this year. My favorites are the little wooden snowmen. (I’m pretty sure everyone – or at least those that read this – have gotten theirs, if not *don’t look!*)

As you can see, they looked like a little army, all waiting to do my bidding…which was to become nifty little gifts for all my friends! The carrot noses were the best part. To cure them, I had to bake them in the oven, so I had all these little carrot noses sitting on a cookie sheet. Now I just have a few more gifts left to finish (yes, I know, Christmas is only 4 days away) and then I can relax. Ahhh.

Talk to the Monkey!

Talk to the Monkey!
Tony got me a monkey bobblehead doll for Christmas! It’s definitely the most bizarre gift I’ve gotten (maybe ever!) for Christmas… Now when people want stuff from me, they’ll have to go through the monkey first. :D

Of course, I got so many cool things from my friends this year, I don’t even know where to begin! Jenny made everything – the gifts, the paper, the tags – and my favorite part is the set of shrinky-dink EAT team members. (I’m easy to pick out, since I’m the red-head.) I got neat Harry Potter stuff and lotion from Abby, Tina gave me a Star Wars calendar, and Jo’s blueberry scented lipgloss and lotion smell so good I can’t wait for blueberry season again! I hope I didn’t miss anybody – if I did, it’s only because I’m on a sugar-high from all the cookies and rice krispy treats… Once again, I can only say that I have fantastic friends! I love you guys!