Spring is in the Air…
I just planted 62 bulbs. In an hour. That’s a bulb a minute! Of course, it’s January, so I’m not sure whether these bulbs will actually grow or not, but I figured I’d give it a try… The hyacinth bulbs looked a little off, though. It could be scary – I might end up with mutant hyacinths from outer space. (More likely though, they were rotting and won’t even come up, but we won’t know until spring…)
Why, exactly, am I planting bulbs in January? Well, we’ll leave the procrastination bit out of it, but it just happened that it was an absolutely balmy spring day today. It was bright and sunny and mild, and I just felt the need to go out and do something! Now I only have 50 tulip bulbs left from the rather ambitious number I bought in November…but those will have to wait for another day…it’s getting cold and dark again, and I’ve just remembered it’s winter. :)