I have a temporary fix for my images… This weekend I’ll have to do something better…
Day: January 24, 2002
Waah! My image hosting service
Waah! My image hosting service (RoadRunner) has suddenly been denied access through my firewall at work!!! Now none of my images show up… (Of course, anyone reading this who doesn’t work here should have no problems at all.)
Have you ever…
Have you ever gotten to the end of a book and been disappointed because it’s over? I finally finished the entire Lord of the Rings series last night… Without giving anything away, it didn’t end the way I wanted it to. And one subplot that I was really interested in wasn’t quite wrapped up the way I’d hoped. But I suppose all of life is like that – things don’t always come out the way you want them to, but it usually works out that they come out the way they should. (And this blog is getting way too deep on just one cup of coffee…)