I have totally lost a fleece vest. This morning as I was getting dressed I realized that I haven’t seen it in at least 2 months. I searched the entire house, top-to-bottom, to find it this morning. I even had Denis look in the trunks of the cars. Unless it ended up in the crawl-space attic, it’s gone. I can only hope I left it at someone’s house and they’ll read this and figure out that I left my vest there! It’s orange and brown and green, kind of a muted plaid. And it’s fleecy. With a hood. :( And it’s probably lost and lonely and wondering why it took me so long to figure out it was missing…
Month: January 2002
I won best tasting cookie with my Chocolate Intrigues yesterday! Which is really cool. Except, I’ve gotten a number of snide comments from some people because last year I also won the chili cookoff. It was a blind vote both times, and I guess I really can’t help the fact that people like what I make. It kind of makes me not want to enter the next contest, because I don’t like to feel like I’ve done something wrong when I haven’t. It didn’t help that I was tied with someone else and the tie-breaking vote picked my cookies. I guess I’m just in a frumpy mood today. I think I’ll go home and walk it off with Molly…
Somebody found my blog
Somebody found my blog with the search “final fantasy 8″ +”wallpaper” +”spaceship”… Are they really looking for wallpaper of the spaceship in final fantasy 8? Is there actually a spaceship in final fantasy 8? (And who would put up wallpaper of final fantasy 8, anyway?)
Watery Revelations
Watery Revelations
I think I should be paid for the time I spend in the shower. After all, my best ideas and solutions to problems occur to me there. Somewhere between rinsing the shampoo out of my hair and working in the conditioner this morning, I figured out how to solve something at work. Now I just have to find time between meetings to implement it. :P It’s definitely Monday!
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
…well at least according to the Rolling Stones. But the fortune in my fortune cookie asks you to suppose you can…

So what exactly does this mean? Where do you place the emphasis? If you read it “Suppose you can get what you want…” it means something different that “Suppose you can get what you want…”. And let’s not even get into the “…in bed” thing. Any ideas?
Spring is in the Air…
Spring is in the Air…
I just planted 62 bulbs. In an hour. That’s a bulb a minute! Of course, it’s January, so I’m not sure whether these bulbs will actually grow or not, but I figured I’d give it a try… The hyacinth bulbs looked a little off, though. It could be scary – I might end up with mutant hyacinths from outer space. (More likely though, they were rotting and won’t even come up, but we won’t know until spring…)
Why, exactly, am I planting bulbs in January? Well, we’ll leave the procrastination bit out of it, but it just happened that it was an absolutely balmy spring day today. It was bright and sunny and mild, and I just felt the need to go out and do something! Now I only have 50 tulip bulbs left from the rather ambitious number I bought in November…but those will have to wait for another day…it’s getting cold and dark again, and I’ve just remembered it’s winter. :)
The Ultimate Color
The Ultimate Color
Incredible! The true color of the universe looks like it’s the same as the color of our wagon! I need to ponder what this means…
Home Improvement III (coming soon to a theater near you)
Home Improvement III
(coming soon to a theater near you)
Ahhh. The joys of home ownership… Lisa just put an offer in on a house; Jenny has a closing date this month… They have no idea what they’re in for. :) It seems like every year about this time we start calling contractors for some major work we need to do on our house. Roofing, siding, painting, driveways… The list apparently never ends. It’s amazing what you learn to live with (i.e. orange carpeting in the master bedroom) in order to spend the money where everyone else sees it – like siding. That’s this year’s project. Last year we hired people to paint the house – unfortunately, after they’d already scraped and sanded a good part of the house, we found out that the cardboard siding (ok, it’s probably not cardboard, but it really looks like it) was totally water damaged – even though the house was painted less than three years before. How? Who knows. Long story short, we decided that we’re taking a “vinyl siding vacation” this year. But first, we need to find a contractor. That is the absolute least fun part of any home improvement effort. You’re calling someone and offering them money to come to your home and make a mess. You would think that they would be prompt about calling back, right? Never. At most, we’ve had two contractors call us back ever for any type of job. So much for the “get three estimates” rule! Maybe this job will be better…or maybe I’ll need to be checked into an insane asylum by the end of it. Anyone out there get their house resided recently in the Rochester, NY area? I’m accepting references!
Yeah….. well, what Sarah doesn’t tell you is that now, Molly wants to be on the couch all the time! At least she tries to go on the couch near her… I’ll have none of it! — Denis
(This is what happens when you edit your blog on my computer and don’t log out! heh. I hope it remembers you! (or, at least your cookie! Mmmm…. cookies.))
Molly thinks she’s a lap-dog.
Molly thinks she’s a lap-dog. Last night I was sitting on the couch and she put her head in my lap. So far, so good. Then she put her front paws in my lap, and was kind of standing on her back legs with the whole front half of her body in my lap. I’m ok with that, too. Then, somehow, in a feat of amazing agility for a dog with bad hips, she slid her back legs up onto the couch – in such a sneaky manner that it took several moments for me to notice. Actually, I didn’t really notice until I saw her tail thumping on the couch out of the corner of my eye. So, all of a sudden, this 60-pound golden retriever “puppy” was half in my lap, half on the couch. Denis’ exact quote: “No good things can come of this…”
But she was being so sweet and cuddly, I couldn’t just shove her off my lap. And, of course, she realizes it’s only something she’ll be allowed to do once in a while, I’m sure. Really. Honest. ;)