
There’s something wonderful about having enough vacation to just take a day off because you need to get stuff done around the house and it doesn’t fit into a weekend. This year I got an extra week of vacation (I’ll have been working here for five years June 16th). So, yesterday, in a fit of “i-have-to-get-something-done-on-my-master’s-project”, I took the day off. And I got it! I finally understand how to program for Mac OSX. If I’d just understood this way back in August, I would be done with my degree by now! It was an epiphany of sorts…very appropriate, seeing as it was the day after Epiphany. :)

We also managed to get most of the Christmas stuff down (somehow my collection of decorations has grown in the past 6 weeks – I need two more storage boxes…how does that happen?!?) and put away. The upstairs toilet which has been out of comission for a year now finally got fixed (we broke down and called a plumber). And I found really fantastic wallpaper for the kitchen at Home Depot for something like $8 a roll (since we need to fix a hole in the ceiling – from the plumber – which is painted the same color as the walls, which will be impossible to match and I never liked anyway). Amazing what two people can do in a day of vacation, isn’t it? Now if today at work can be half as productive…nah – it will never happen!

Kettle Corn

Kettle Corn
My cousin brought over some microwave kettle corn – not nearly as tasty as Jenny’s kettle corn, but still pretty yummy. Unfortunately, I think Molly has become a kettle corn junkie! She’s always liked popcorn, and as far as we can tell she has a major sweet tooth, so it looks like kettle corn has become her absolute favorite food. This could be a problem – it’s hard enough to share a bag in the first place, now it looks like we’ll have to split it three ways!

Our fridge

Our fridge arrived this morning at 8 AM – it’s a good thing we get up early on Saturdays! Unfortunately, they didn’t leave a refrigerator box. That’s the best thing about getting a new fridge, the gigantic box… My dreams of building a fort in the backyard or a spaceship in the basement have been shattered. I guess I’ll have to find other things to do with my free time instead! :)

The one bad thing

The one bad thing about wearing contacts is when they start to bother you and you have to pop them out and switch back to glasses. All I can see right now is rims. Funny how you never notice the rims on your glasses until you don’t see them for a couple of weeks.

Maybe some chocolate chai will make me feel better…

Getting back on the wagon

Getting back on the wagon is really, really hard when there are all sorts of yummy leftovers in the fridge. Sigh. I really need to unlearn the “waste not, want not” bad eating habit. By the time the food got to starving children in whatever country, it would be spoiled anyway, right? The good thing is, the fridge needs to be empty by Saturday because we’re getting a new fridge – our current one is small and dying. Once it’s all set up, I’m going to fill all 23.7 cubic feet with fruits and veggies! (Well, maybe milk would be a good thing to have, too.)

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
I’m no good at keeping new years resolutions. Every year they last about, oh, three minutes before I break them. This year, if I make them public, maybe I’ll stick to them longer. Probably not. :)

My new years resolutions:

  • lose some weight – very unoriginal, I know!
  • work out more – ditto!
  • finish some of the half-finished projects in my craft room (I’m starting to run out of room for new crafts)
  • finish my master’s degree
  • other stuff I know I’m forgetting…

Hmmm. Maybe I’m being a little too optimistic. But if new years resolutions were easy to keep, nobody would break them, would they?