Molly the wonder-dog wearing beads. Let me just say, getting a dog to pose with beads around her neck is tough. Doing it two nights in a row is tougher! All thanks to the silly program deleting those images… Oh, well. :) The ones I got last night were much cuter, but this one isn’t bad. She’s staring at the food in my hand. I had to experiment a little because for some reason the red-eye pre-flash doesn’t work on dogs, so all the ones where she’s actually looking straight towards the camera had seriously glowing eyes!
Earlier, we went to Phillips in honor of Mardi Gras. If you want to have a sinful dessert, that’s the place to go. I couldn’t finish my chocolate raspberry torte – it was *so* rich. Mmmm. Of course, all that sugar doesn’t make it easy to go to sleep!