Well, I had this really great picture of Molly wearing Mardi Gras beads, which I accidentally deleted from my camera card. (Of course it was an accident – who would do that on purpose?!?) So, I guess I’ll have to go home and take more pictures tonight. It was cute. Really! In the meantime, enjoy “Fat Tuesday”!
Month: February 2002
Aha! There’s white rum, lime
Aha! There’s white rum, lime juice and cola in it. Since I used to like rum & coke’s but now find them too sweet, this might be more to my taste, with the lime juice and all…
Drinks for All!
OK, I finally got around to taking the “what drink are you?” test…

Which drink are you?
I’m not sure what’s in it, but…at the moment I am pretty caffeinated!
I’m Weird
…or at least, that’s what Denis says! Last night I bought a couple of new books of piano music, and while we were waiting for our pizza at the restaurant next to the music store I was browsing through the books. I can hear the music in my head when I look at it – and I found a piece that had an amusing melody, so I was giggling over it…and Denis promptly declared that I was weird. I guess I’ve been reading music that way for so long I didn’t realize it was an unusual ability – I mean, I know not everybody reads music in the first place, but I just assumed that part of reading music was hearing it too. Besides, it really was an amusing piece – the Irish Washerwoman song – you know, dah dah dah…oh nevermind.
I am so busy at work, I can hardly see straight. If I survive the next three weeks, it will be a miracle. And to top matters off, my wrist picked today to start acting up again – I haven’t had problems with it in months! – and I don’t have any brace or bandage with me. It aches all the way up my shoulder. Yes, I’m whining. But, to paraphrase a stupid song, “it’s my blog and I can whine if I want to!”
We’ve Been Hacked!
Adding to our recent woes with the firewall at our house, we came home last night to discover that we’d been hacked. Fortunately, the hacker was only on for about 30 minutes – long enough to cripple the system and get our IP blocked from some sites, I’m sure, but not long enough to do any real lasting damage. Unfortunately, it meant another night without the internet, which makes project research a little tough…
OK. Just because it’s blizzarding outside doesn’t mean they need to turn the blasted thermostat up to a million degrees. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I was going through “the change”! Tomorrow, I’m wearing shorts and a t-shirt to work.
I decided to check out Blogger Pro since it has a few nifty features, and promises to come out with more. And I’m never one to pass on nifty features! Besides, I’ve managed to keep my blog up-to-date for more than six months, so it’s obviously not just a passing thing. Time to get serious. :D
Monday already?!? Where on earth
Monday already?!?
Where on earth did the weekend go? This project is going to kill me! I even missed some of the better superbowl commercials because I was glued to my laptop, frantically writing code… (I’m assuming I missed the better ones because the ones I saw were pretty lame.) At least I got a lot done. Well, before I totally trashed the database installation I was using…but I think I fixed it…hopefully.
On the fun side, I hung out at my parents’ place and watched Fifth Element on their big screen TV with the surround sound – that was pretty cool! Molly got to play with Sylvan and Shadow, so she was very sleepy Saturday night. Yesterday, I had a few people over to watch the superbowl, or the superbowl commercials, and my cousins’ dog Casper came over. Casper and Molly played really hard and I think she’s still tired from it today! A sleepy dog is a good dog. :)