Well, it’s done. I just registered for the final 5-credit project course. By the end of this quarter I have to finish my project, write a report on it, and defend it. My target defense date is May 6th. Which is only, what, 9 weeks away? Scary stuff…
Day: March 4, 2002
Blue paint, everywhere!
We painted the kitchen this weekend. It’s almost done – tonight we just have to put wallpaper up below the chair rail, and touch up a couple places where the paint came off with the tape. :P I’ll probably regret saying this, but I will never again, as long as I live, paint with semi-gloss paint. It takes longer to dry, it shows every little brush and roller stroke, and it takes 10 times longer to do. Plus it would rather stick to the tape than the wall. Grrr. I don’t care if I can’t wash the kitchen walls. Who am I kidding, anyway – would I really wash them? Probably not. We’ve lived here for three years and I’ve never had the urge (or the need) to wash the kitchen walls.