I may have improved my parking karma – I’m not sure, since I haven’t driven much since Tuesday – but my car karma in general has been very bad this week. Yesterday we had a fender-bender with the Jetta. While not good, that in itself doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re having bad car karma. But we’ve had a running problem with the used wagon we bought in December, which finally turns out to be…(insert scary music here)…the head gasket. Which is a very expensive repair. The thing is, we brought it back to the dealer during the 60-day lemon-law warranty because the check coolant light was on. They claimed the fuse was blown, replaced the fuse, and probably, for good measure, topped off the anti-freeze. Which explains why it didn’t come back on until today. Now we have to bring it back to them and try to argue that the head gasket was split when we brought it in the first time and they missed it. (Which our normal service guy, who found it, can’t quite understand.) Conspiracy? Or just bad service people? Either way, it would make me very hesitant to buy a used car from them in the future, which is too bad since they have a very good reputation. Heh. If they don’t resolve it, I’ll post their name. (As if enough local people read this to do harm to their business. :P )