I’m still here!

Just really busy. Last night, I finished the coding for my master’s project. Well, assuming I’ve found all the bugs. I also finished all of the screenshots and the user manual. Yay! Except that I still have another couple of documents and a final report to do. And a presentation/defense type thing. I just need one good night of sleep. Please???

So, what is this project that I’ve been slaving away at? Basically, a way to organize digital images under os x. Of course, I came up with the idea about 16 months ago – long before iPhoto was announced – and it even does mostly different things from iPhoto – but it’s fairly pointless now as shareware or freeware. That’s ok, though – I’m going to use it! I’m pretty proud of the end product, and I’d love to post pictures of the screenshots or something, but that would be pretty nerdy (and they’d be fairly boring). I just want to get everything over with, so I can move on to other things. Like finishing all of the half-finished projects in my craft room…and starting new ones.