The Hills Are Alive…

with the sound of pages turning?!? OK. That’s it. I need to invent an automagic page-turner for piano music. One that will read my mind so it knows exactly when to turn a page. Oh, and it has to unstick stuck piano keys. And cue people who are supposed to start singing. Actually, a third hand would work just as well. Maybe I could be like that guy (Zaphod?) in Hitchhiker’s Guide, three arms, and two heads, too – one to look at the music, and the other to watch the actors/actresses to make sure they haven’t gotten lost in the music. (Sorry, this whole blog is just a rant about rehearsals & other assorted preparation for The Sound of Music, which I am accompanying this weekend and next for a bunch of 9-14 year-old kids.)

Rant over. It’s actually been pretty fun to do this, and I’ll probably do it again. It just might not have been the wisest thing to agree to do in the two weeks leading up to my project defense. :)