Sound of Music went very well over the weekend, despite my stage fright. It’s not like I’ve never played piano in front of people before – it was just my first time being the only accompanist for an entire musical. Now I feel like an old pro, and the rehearsals and performances this week aren’t going to faze me in the slightest. Well, maybe just a little, since being overconfident is a bad thing when it comes to playing piano.
My project defense, on the other hand, is terrifying to me. I have never been very good at speaking in front of people (except when acting, which is somewhat different). I know my subject, my presentation is well on it’s way to being decent, and I’ll have practiced it at least a couple of times before next Tuesday. Still, I already have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about standing up in front of my committee – and probably no one else, since I scheduled it for 9 AM – and doing this presentation. The rational part of me realizes that my committee wants me to pass, and will probably not ask terribly difficult questions. The rest of me is still scared to death. I have 8 days to get over my fear of public speaking. Hm. Well, I’d just be happy to find a way to not sound like I’m nervous.