I love music. Obviously, or I wouldn’t torture myself playing piano as an accompanist. Denis thought I should have a graduation gift for completing my masters degree – one that is as impractical as possible: a French horn. The thought of having one of these beautiful instruments for my very own has consumed my imagination for weeks now. Through the research I’ve done, I’ve learned all about different valve types, wraps, throat size, bell flare – even the fact that the different metals the horn can be made from (and therefore the color the horn is) makes a difference in how it sounds. And when we go to NYC this weekend, we’re going to visit a store in NJ that specializes in brass instruments – they have hundreds of horns in stock (unlike the mere three that the local music store carries). I’m going to be like a kid in a candy store, wanting to try them all. My current favorite is this one (pictured above), but I’m willing to change my mind if I find something better.