I am running unusually late

I am running unusually late today. I didn’t even wake up until 7, and we didn’t leave the house until after 8:30. That’s about the latest I’ve “slept in” for a very long time! But I’ll admit, I think I’m in a much better mood because of it. Plus, all the flowers around the house are very happy, since I took the time to water them thoroughly (it’s supposed to be 90 today!) Of course, I managed to get myself soaked with the leaky hose in the process.

I got my order from Keepsake Quilting yesterday! Yippee! The only thing that prevented me from starting my quilt last night was the lack of fusible web…and by the time I got to Jo-Ann’s they were already closed. :P Who ever heard of a store that closes at 9? I mean, the mall is open until 9:30 – shouldn’t the stores around it be open at least that late, too? Actually, I think craft stores should be open around-the-clock. There have been so many times I’ve been trying to finish something at the last minute, very late at night, and run out of thread, fabric, batting, paint, or some other crucial part of the project. Yes, I know it’s a surprise that I’m always trying to finish stuff at the last minute. :) Anyway, after I enjoy my pool for a while tonight (80-degree water!!!) I’m going to delve into this new stash of beautiful fabrics and start creating something wonderful.