One…Two…(um, what comes after that?)

Well, we’re pretty sure Molly can count to two, anyway, since she knows she has to wait until we’ve filled both the food bowl and the water bowl. Beyond that, though, I have my doubts. I’ve always said that dogs are smarter than people give them credit for, but Molly, well, she got a little short-changed when they were handing out IQ points… ;)

Too Many Projects…

I got my sweater pattern in the mail on Monday and spent the entire evening driving all over creation to find 10 skeins of the yarn in the same dye lot. Last night I finished the border on the back – why do all sweaters start with the back, anyway? – so I think the project should go pretty quickly. Which is good, since I found another knitting project I want to do. I’m going to resist buying the yarn for as long as I can, though, because I don’t want to encroach on the enthusiasm I have for my sweater right now… Oh, but the temptation is so strong. :)

No, You May *Not* Have My Address…

Whenever I try to buy something from Radio Shack, they try to insist that if I someday wanted to return something, they need my street address. Quite frankly, I would never return anything to that store, if only to keep my address out of their database. I’m tired of having five trees worth of junk mail showing up in my mailbox every day, and I don’t need any more. Last night the clerk actually got angry with me when I questioned why they needed my address. My big mistake, though, was using my credit card – now they probably can get my address. So much for my grand plan to foil their marketing schemes…

Stuffy Head vs. Medicine Head

Remember those commercials with the cartoon people who got medicine head, and their head was shown floating on a balloon string above their body? I think that would be preferable to my head right now, which feels like it weighs an extra 50 lbs. I’m assuming that it’s allergies, since except for sinuses I feel just fine. It just makes it really hard to think very hard when your head weighs this much. Is it time to go home and take a nap yet?

Christmas in July

I just got my digital camera back from being repaired, and they threw in a lens-cap holder – the one thing it had been missing since I got it 18 months ago. It’s like Christmas! Now if I could just get my sweater pattern in the mail, it would be even better. :)

Evil Coffee

How is it that one stupid little thing can throw an entire day off? I collided with someone carrying a full cup of hot coffee coming around a corner, and my poor yellow tank top is stained beyond recovery. Fortunately the coffee wasn’t hot enough to burn, as it hit my arm and my face, too. But now I can’t let it go. I’m sitting here in an ugly, uncomfortable polo shirt (I am happy that I could borrow a shirt, mind) that doesn’t go with my pants, and all I want to do is go hide in some corner and cry. I don’t usually let stupid stuff like this get to me. I feel like an idiot, since I actually did cry a bit in front of a couple of people. At work. How humiliating. And I can’t even use the excuse of hormones, since, well, it’s not the right time for that. Bleah. This day can’t end soon enough.

Electricity Dependence

You realize how much you depend on electricity when the power goes out for an extended period of time. When we got home from work yesterday, the power had been out for at least a half-hour, and it took another hour before it came back. No biggie, I could play piano – if it wasn’t digital. OK, I could work on my quilt…the sewing machine and iron both require electricity. Clean? No hot water. There was battery life in my laptop, but no internet connection. I ended up working on my quilt, doing prep work that didn’t require sewing or ironing. It was rather pathetic. And hot. Air conditioning and fans, after all, require electricity. :)

Snooze Buttons

I think I wake up better without an alarm. Saturday, I woke up at 6AM, rolled out of bed, and spent the next two hours happily working on my quilt while waiting for everyone to wake up. No alarm. Sunday, I dragged myself out of bed after hitting the snooze button several times so that I could get ready for 8AM mass. That felt like torture. But it was nothing compared to the ordeal of getting out of bed this morning. You would have thought somebody drugged me last night. I don’t know if it’s just Monday, or the realization that instead of doing something fun – like quilting, gardening, cleaning bathrooms, etc. – I had to go to work. OK, work isn’t as bad as cleaning bathrooms. But it’s nowhere near as fun as all the other stuff I could be doing right now. :P

In other news, it was a very fun weekend visiting with my one-year-old twin nieces. I might post a picture or two when I get home tonight – as well as pictures of the four quilt blocks I finished over the weekend.

Diggin’ Dirt

So after the hottest, driest three weeks I can remember, my mom and I went out and dug three huge holes in my weed-choked back garden. Why? To save some very pretty Russian sage. My parents had some landscaping done, and didn’t have a place for their Russian sage – besides which, my mom is allergic to it. Now I have something that isn’t weeds in my garden, and sore muscles to prove that I dug the holes. I also figured out why my pepper plants are dying one-by-one…some little critter is chewing through the base of the stalks. Grrr. On my way home, I’m going to get some wire mesh to wrap around the base of each remaining plant. Hopefully that will help. As it is, I’m down to three completely undamaged plants, and a couple that probably won’t survive.