How is it that one stupid little thing can throw an entire day off? I collided with someone carrying a full cup of hot coffee coming around a corner, and my poor yellow tank top is stained beyond recovery. Fortunately the coffee wasn’t hot enough to burn, as it hit my arm and my face, too. But now I can’t let it go. I’m sitting here in an ugly, uncomfortable polo shirt (I am happy that I could borrow a shirt, mind) that doesn’t go with my pants, and all I want to do is go hide in some corner and cry. I don’t usually let stupid stuff like this get to me. I feel like an idiot, since I actually did cry a bit in front of a couple of people. At work. How humiliating. And I can’t even use the excuse of hormones, since, well, it’s not the right time for that. Bleah. This day can’t end soon enough.