Mmmm. Sushi.

Last night we introduced my brother and his girlfriend to the world of sushi. We went to Plum House, which Denis thinks has relatively authentic Japanese food. I think they enjoyed it – I even got to try a couple of new rolls. I also got to see both of their apartments, and check out S’s collection of quilts – ones she made, and ones that were gifts. I was inspired by the quilts and went home to my craft room, finished one quilt block and cut all the pieces for two more. Now if only I didn’t have to spend this evening cleaning house in preparation for out-of-town guests, I’d actually be caught up with the first set of quilt blocks. Oh, well.

Pool Update

So, over the past 72 hours, we’ve dumped 11 gallons of liquid chlorine in the pool. It’s slightly better – you can see the bottom of the deep end, but it’s still murky-ish – but when we test the water there is zero chlorine floating around in there.

Not only that, but one of the chlorine bottles tipped over in the trunk and leaked all over my favorite brown corduroy jacket. We did some emergency surgery and cut off the pocket that had a big hole in it to prevent more damage to the rest of the jacket, but there are other, smaller holes and it bleached the brown completely away in various random places. It’s years old, and Land’s End doesn’t have them listed on their website. I could maybe patch up the holes and put on new pockets, but it will never be the same. <sniffle> A search online turned up this jacket. It doesn’t come in chocolate brown, it’s expensive, and it might make me look shorter than I already am, but it’s a very pretty jacket, and, well, you can’t have too many jackets when you live in Rochester.

Murphy. Hates. Me.

I can’t have a get-together involving the pool. It’s just not possible. If the weather manages to cooperate, the pool doesn’t. Ignore the pool for a few days, and the chemicals just go completely out-of-whack. It was such a beautiful day. The water temperature was ideal. You just couldn’t see the bottom of the blasted pool, due to the lovely dead algae. Of course, we couldn’t find the problem before the pool stores closed on Saturday. Amazingly enough, Wegmans had liquid chlorine and algicide, but it was just too late. BTW, how on earth do you spell “algicide”? That really doesn’t look right. :P

To err is human…

OK, I know there are issues with the site, and to be perfectly honest, I haven’t done anything at all with it this week. I did fix the crafts link on the navbar. Oops. And I also updated the list of blogs I read – I’ve added a few to my daily reads since I did the original list. Random Threads is a new one to me, too – I just found her link to me, and she has a great site – especially for knitters.

It’s Friday. :)


(That’s Tina’s name for me lately.) I am totally addicted to knitting at the moment. The mystery knitting project is in garter stitch – knit every row – which means it can be totally mindless. The past several evenings, I’ve been up until the wee hours of the morning, knitting and watching movies. Consequently, I’ve almost got the project done. I won’t be able to post more pics or anything about it until I’ve given it away though. (That’s the problem with most projects destined to be gifts – you can’t show them off!) Another consequence, though, is that I’m very tired.


I’m missing my archives, which apparently is causing some grief with Netscape on Windows. I’m taking them down for now. In the meantime, if there’s any other weirdness going on with this site, let me know. It’s my first attempt as CSS and other assorted little html tricks.