Knitting Update

I’ve never knitted anything so fast in my life! I’m almost to the shoulder shaping on the back of my sweater! I imagine I’ll be done with the back and started on the front by the end of the weekend. I guess it’s maybe time to pick up the two stalled knitting projects that I hadn’t finished because I thought knitting was a very slow process. Of course, I’ve been knitting to the exclusion of all else – I’ve only appliqued a couple of small pieces in the quilt, and my house is a bit of a mess… But, I have to take full advantage of the enthusiasm I have at the beginning of a project. If I can get at least 3/4 of the way done before I start to get bored, the momentum just takes it the rest of the way. Otherwise, the project ends up in my half-finished crafts pile. Poor half-finished crafts. There are even a couple in there that I don’t like anymore because my tastes have changed, or because I started them when I didn’t really know what I was doing and they look awful. What does one do with half-finished crafts that are no longer wanted?

4 thoughts on “Knitting Update

  • August 2, 2002 at 2:23 pm

    That sweater is so pretty! Did I say that already? When the quilt is done, will it be functional, or will it be decorative? It’s fabulous, the work you’re doing on it! When you find out what to do with half-finished projects, please let me know!

  • August 2, 2002 at 3:12 pm

    Thanks! The quilt is probably going to be decorative. I’m actually thinking of hanging it on my kitchen wall. (Weird, I know!)Every year I resolve to finish all of the half-finished projects I have, but at most I do one or two – and end up with three or four new ones! :)

  • August 3, 2002 at 5:18 am

    Your mind is working faster than your hands can keep up with! I think putting the quilt on your wall will be a fine thing to do! Everytime you look at it, I’m certain it’ll put a smile on your face!

  • August 4, 2002 at 10:39 pm

    Hi, Sarah…I had just found the white lies website last week and now she you are doing one of the designs. Very elegant! And I’m very impressed with your progress on the sweater and also on your quilt–much more ambitious than I am to tackle a quilt block of the month that does 8 blocks a month, even if some repeat! I still have blocks not even started for at least 3 projects that were supposed to be one a month, and now it has been several years. PS. my url for my blog has changed to from, if you’d like to update your link.

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