I got my archives working again. Of course, it probably wasn’t worth staying up this late for. Oh, well…
Month: August 2002
Knitting Update
I’ve never knitted anything so fast in my life! I’m almost to the shoulder shaping on the back of my sweater! I imagine I’ll be done with the back and started on the front by the end of the weekend. I guess it’s maybe time to pick up the two stalled knitting projects that I hadn’t finished because I thought knitting was a very slow process. Of course, I’ve been knitting to the exclusion of all else – I’ve only appliqued a couple of small pieces in the quilt, and my house is a bit of a mess… But, I have to take full advantage of the enthusiasm I have at the beginning of a project. If I can get at least 3/4 of the way done before I start to get bored, the momentum just takes it the rest of the way. Otherwise, the project ends up in my half-finished crafts pile. Poor half-finished crafts. There are even a couple in there that I don’t like anymore because my tastes have changed, or because I started them when I didn’t really know what I was doing and they look awful. What does one do with half-finished crafts that are no longer wanted?
Life’s Mysteries
Seen in the content list of the bottle of new hand lotion I bought for my desk: “Water (Aqua)” Is that aqua colored water? Were they trying to translate it to Spanish but didn’t know how to spell it? Or is there some new “brand” of water out there called “Aqua”? Of course, compared to the rest of the scary-sounding list of things this contains, I’m probably better off not knowing what’s in my lotion… At least it smells good – it’s black cherry & nutmeg flavored – and makes my hands softer.