Evil unsolicited email

The “evil” song from Lord of the Rings is going through my head right now. (You know which one I mean if you’ve seen the movie). I just discovered a new breed of evil spam. Now, they use your email address as the “from” address, as well as the “to” address. You can’t block your own email address if you’re in the habit of cc-ing yourself in on emails, which I do somewhat regularly. And since they left the subject blank, I thought maybe I’d forgotten to put the subject in the last email I copied to myself. Pure evil. Not that I can complain that much – I have several email addresses, and I only get maybe a dozen spam messages a day between all of my accounts.

3 thoughts on “Evil unsolicited email

  • September 5, 2002 at 11:59 pm

    I can tell you how to check w/o opening the email, just to see who the return path is going to so you can determine if it’s spam or not! Wanna know?

  • September 6, 2002 at 9:07 am

    Yes, please! You can email me… :)

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