I know yesterday was September 11th. I meant to blog, but couldn’t find the words. I still can’t. It hurts me to think about what happened. It hurts me more to see how commercial it has become, with everyone trying to out-do everyone else’s tribute. “9-11” is a brand now, “God Bless America” our theme song. I went to a prayer service and kept my TV off. I don’t need to see the towers fall again – I can still remember them falling. I watched it happen. There was no danger of the day passing without any sort of recognition on my part. And I didn’t put out my flag. It was raining when I left home, and despite what everyone else in my neighborhood thinks, you don’t put out the flag in the rain. I’m sure I’ve made myself very unpopular with my view on things. Oh well.
On a “lighter” note, what a very bizzare, almost creepy, coincidence that yesterday’s Lotto number was “911”.