Happy Turkey Day!

What am I thankful for? My family, my friends, my puppy. And, of course, dinner at Grandma’s. Turkey dinner number two – after all, I’ve already been to Matt & Jenny’s turkey party. Plus, when my brother gets home from NYC this weekend, we’re going to have another turkey dinner. Mmm. Turkey. And pie. Lots of pumpkin pie. I was in charge of the desserts for today. I made cookies and several pies. And then, with the extra pie filling (I think my pie plates aren’t deep enough) I made pumpkin pie bread. I don’t know what else to call it, since it’s not real pumpkin bread.

So Much for Sleeping In…

You know that “no alarm clock” thing I was looking forward to? Well, Molly has become a regular rooster in the mornings. I swear she’s learned how to read the clock on the front of the cable box. Saturday morning, she woke us up at 7:10. Sunday we had to get up earlier than that anyway, so we had the alarm set. Yesterday, it was 7:00. This morning, it was 6:50. At this rate, by the end of my vacation, I’m going to have to wake up earlier than I usually do to get to work!

Opening Night, Take 2

Another opening, of the same show, with some new cast members. This week seems like it will go much better – we managed to run the entire show with sets, lights and costumes last night except for the two scenes we skipped to allow Adelaide to rest her voice…that could be the only problem: a couple of the kids are coming down with colds.

I’m taking next week off – my first real vacation in a year. Most of my vacation days this year went towards finishing my masters’ project, so I scrimped every day I had left for next week and the time around Christmas. And I truly need it…several days in a row with no alarm clock, no schedule, and tons of time to knit. And blog. Hopefully. Then again, maybe I just won’t use the computer at all for a week… :)

Flu Shot

I wasn’t going to get one this year, because, well, I didn’t last year – and I didn’t get the flu. And the year before, they hit a nerve and made my arm numb for 20 minutes, which in turn made me queasy and dizzzy. So, I wasn’t going to get one this year… But somehow I found myself walking up to the gym and letting them stick me. And now my arm feels icky. But not numb, so I don’t have any excuse to not go to rehearsal tonight. :P I guess a day or two of a sore arm is better than a week or two of the flu.

Guys and Dolls worked –

Guys and Dolls worked – the kids pulled it off, while the adults working backstage…well, they took forever for each and every scene change. I’ve decided that theater parents are as bad as – or worse than – band parents. Imagine having the nerve to ask the accompanist to play a song in a different key for your child twenty minutes before the house opens! Now, I’m capable of transposing music, but not by sight, and certainly not when the song is 10 pages long, and written in 4 different keys that switch about every 8 measures. This is tough stuff, and I actually spent hours practicing just this one song. I eventually had to have the director intervene, because the mom wouldn’t take “no, I’m sorry I can’t do that” for an answer. The kid singing, by the way, was fine with singing it in the key we’d been practicing it in for the past month, it was just his mom that had an issue. I really get annoyed with parents who live vicariously through their children in extra-curricular activities – I have no problem with supporting your kid, but it can get to be a little much. I hope when I have children I don’t do that. Anyway, I chose to spend all day yesterday watching football and knitting*. So, the song won’t be transposed for this coming weekend either, but honestly, they don’t pay me enough to spend my entire day off trying to rewrite the music. Sorry, rant over. :)

*Christmas knitting is coming along, and I’m not panicked yet, but I’m tossing around ideas in my head for alternate gifts if I can’t get to one or two of the things I was planning on making. I think I can finish the items currently on my needles by the end of Thanksgiving week…if not, I’ll really have to start cutting back on hand-made items. Next year, I’m starting my Christmas gifts in January.

Opening Night

Guys and Dolls opens tonight. We still haven’t ever run through the whole show with lights, sets and costumes… This could be very interesting. Plus, I was up late last night practicing, so I’m very sleepy. It might be time to break my no caffeine rule. (Well, to be perfectly honest, it’s not like I haven’t had any caffeine at all since April, but it’s been very rare.) Then again, I might play all of the songs too fast if I’m caffeinated… :)

New Toys

Wow! I ordered a lens kit for my DC4800 off of the Kodak online store on Tuesday, and I got it yesterday! I can’t wait until I have some time to really play with it. The kit contains two close-up lenses, a wide angle lens, and a telephoto lens, along with some chintzy pouches (probably not necessary anyway, since they have covers and they’ll be tucked safely into a camera bag). Maybe now I’ll actually do something with the photography section of my site. After Guys and Dolls is over, that is.

Dear Santa

I was flipping through the catalogs I got in the mail for gift ideas. Somehow I got on Victoria’s Secret mailing list – I do like their flannel pajamas – so I started browsing their catalog…and I found the $10,000,000 bra and panty set. Can I ask a really dumb question? Why? This seems to be such a bizarre thing to spend so much money on. Gosh, I’d rather just have the 10 million dollars – think of how many skeins of yarn that would buy…

Is it broken yet?

Well, I had to take a break from my mystery Christmas knitting projects, so…I updated my site more. Lots more. It might have broken (I’ve only checked it on one operating system, one browser). If it did break, let me know, please? And, I hate to be a pain, but if you have bookmarks, please update them. Thank you!

Time to put down the laptop and resume knitting. Only 44 days until Christmas…

Reading Material

Seen in my parents’ powder room: Bug-Proofing Visual Basic. I mean, we’ve always had National Geographic magazines, and then Dilbert books got added to the mix…but this… Is it any wonder that I turned out to be such a nerd? What do normal people keep in their bathrooms as reading material?