Well, it’s official, I’ve been laid off. Not entirely unexpected, but still a little bit of an emotional hit. I actually had to wait until 3:00 to find out, and got to find out almost everyone else’s fate before mine…that was the hardest part.
I’ve got very mixed feelings about this. I actually think that in the long run this is going to be better for my career. On the other hand, I’ve been working with this group of people for three years (almost to the day), and I consider many of them to be good friends. I’m really going to miss the people and the environment – not to mention the E.A.T. team! Of course, several of them have been affected, too.
I think that this sort of thing can be handled two different ways. I can either think that it’s a horrible thing and take it personally, or I can view this as a positive opportunity to try something new. I’m going to choose the latter. After all, I’m not in any danger of losing my house or starving, and I’m not going to have to sell Molly into slavery. But it’s still going to be a bit of an emotional roller coaster over these next couple of months.