
I was supposed to do the May Day Project today…but I forgot. So, instead, I’ll just show you pictures I took of the embarassingly large amount of yarn I bought today!

Remember the shawl I was working on? Well, here’s how far I’ve gotten so far:

(Notice the tiny little ball of gray left to finish that section? Keep your fingers crossed for me – I’m not sure if it will work or not!) I was going to add peach yarn to this, but decided I like the colors it is right now. So, instead of returning the peach yarn and getting more of the colors I’m using, I got more of the colors I’m using, and more peaches, reds and naturals – guess what my mom is getting for mother’s day?

Of course, there’s also 5 pairs of socks worth of sock yarn in that mix. It’s a really good thing that the local yarn shop is a bit of a drive for me!

Also, I made these for my mom, grandmother and godmother (shhh, don’t tell!) I didn’t get a picture of the one for my other grandmother, since I had to wrap it up and send it not long after I’d made it.

(The little pink bracelet is for my soloist from church, who’s birthday is tomorrow).

So, you see, even though I haven’t been blogging much, I’ve been busy, busy, busy!

All I Can Say Is…

…my poor, poor nephew. :)

I have another niece! That brings the total to 1 nephew, 5 nieces. Murphy’s law, of course, was in effect, so Michelle Eva waited until after we’d left the area to make her appearance.

Oh, and one more thing…

One really funny thing I did this weekend was watch a couple of episodes of Fraggle Rock on video. One of those episodes was called “The Great Radish Famine”, and the Doozers, those little green construction guys, couldn’t build anything (I guess they built things out of radishes?) and so they ended up knitting. Event though they didn’t like knitting, by the end of the episode all of the little Doozers were wearing little knitted things. Very cute!

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

No, I didn’t drop off the face of the earth – we just went out of town for the weekend. This time, I had perfectly wonderful internet access…and didn’t take advantage of it to blog. :D Instead, I played with stickers with my 3 1/2-year-old niece.

We went down to NYC for the twins’ baptism. Unlike Jenny’s and Tina’s recent visit, we didn’t hit any good restaurants or see anyone famous. We did, however, go to Stew Leonards, which seemed kind of like a country-western themed Wegmans with animatronics and a petting zoo. I kind of wish I’d brought my camera!

I did take pictures of all the kids (4 nieces, 1 nephew, and another one on his or her way any day now!) which I will someday get around to uploading to Ofoto. In the meantime, 6 hours of sitting in the car followed by doggy obedience has totally wiped me out, and I’m going to go find my toothbrush and go to bed!

I Need An Ark

We’re in the middle of a huge storm right now… Lightning, thunder, the works. Neat. ;)

Keep your fingers crossed – if the power and internet go down, then I can spend the afternoon knitting!