Harry Potter 5

Since I’m sure there are people who haven’t read, or finished reading, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I’m putting my thoughts about it in the extended entry. If you want to read more, click the link below. Please be warned that it does contain some spoilers!

…and now back to your regularly scheduled knitting… :)

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Splish, Splash

Murphy is not so sure about the pool. In fact, he was downright terrified of it. He’ll probably get used to it – he can swim (which I suppose is instinctive) and he started getting interested in the toys we were throwing for Molly to retrieve after a while. He’d run along the length of the pool and look like he was about to jump in, but then thought better of it. The couple of times I carried him out the length of the shallow end, he just swam in a straight line and tried to get out. Poor pup. But at least we know he can swim.

The pool is still pretty chilly, 70°, but considering it’s supposed to be upwards of 90° all this week, it will probably get quite a bit of use!