The solution? Trash my entire preferences folder. Something not obviously related to Photoshop Elements must have been the culprit. (I think it was Quicktime.)
Day: June 30, 2003
Total, Complete Frustration
Let me preface this by saying I love my titanium powerbook, I love Mac OS X, and I have not had a single problem with it in the 6 months I’ve had this setup, or the three years I’ve been using OS X in general. Now, on to the gory details. I am so completely frustrated with my computer right now, it isn’t even funny. The card reader adapter I’ve been using ever since Murphy chewed the first one (long story)…well, I knew it was trouble from day one, when it caused my computer to crash for the first time ever.
Saturday, I sat down to edit some pictures and update my craft pages, stuck in the card reader…CRASH. Fine. This happens maybe 1 in 10 times I use the card reader. I restarted, downloaded the pictures, then went to fire up Photoshop Elements, which promptly crashed before it even finished launching.
I’ve reinstalled Photoshop Elements, removed my preferences, went through several disk repair utilities, trashed my fonts in case one was corrupted, scoured the internet, prayed to several gods, and even contemplated small sacrifices to them. I’ve posted support requests on a couple of forums, but haven’t gotten any useful advice.
Now, I’m stuck without an image editing program, lots of updates to make, and a sock that could have been finished if I hadn’t wasted all of that precious knitting time dealing with my computer. (And I’m running on very little sleep, since I worked on this until midnight last night, and started working on it again this morning at 6:30.)
I guess I’m going to have to try some of the paid support options with either Adobe or Apple. Grrr.