Playing Hardball

I hate to do things that make me look like a jerk, but I had to. If you directly link to any of my images from somewhere else, you’re going to get an image that looks like this:

I had to do it, because in the first few days of the month, I’ve gone through as much of my bandwidth quota as I normally do in an entire month. And, after nicely requesting that the person who was stealing my bandwidth simply copy the image to his/her own server, that person instead linked the same image in a different location – like I wouldn’t be able to find it. Hello? Referrer logs?

Anyway, the plan was just to do it for that one referrer, but since it kept changing, I did it for any requests for my images that don’t come from my server. Please let me know if for some reason this messes up the images on my site – as far as I can tell, it hasn’t. And if you ever want to use my images, copy them to your own server, link back to me, and everyone will be happy. (And if you ask me first, I’ll be even happier.)


I’m in trouble now – I’ve discovered a wonderful yarn shop less than 10 minutes from my house. I had actually passed by New York Knits before, and assumed, as tiny as it was, that it was a clothing shop. How wrong I was.

I did buy yarn for another project, which of course I had to swatch, but that doesn’t count as starting a new one, right? ;) At least I managed to only buy yarn for one new project!

Between this place, and the new quilting shop that’s walking distance from my house, I’m going to have a hard time not collecting projects…as if I don’t have enough already.

June, already?!?

I’m still feeling icky, so I ended up spending the weekend crafting, drinking green tea as though it were going out of style, and watching movies (I’ve watched almost everything on the Tivo already). I did manage to get outside long enough today to finish some gardening. And no, the pool isn’t open yet. Grr.

But check out all of the progress I made on the christening gift! And my new project has a page, too.

Guess what? It’s June 1st. Which means…in 20 days Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out!!! I’m so excited I can hardly stand it! I actually pre-ordered the book, and only Denis’ sanity – and the fact that I’m getting too old to stay up that late – will prevent me from standing in line to get the book at 12:01 AM. (Yes, I know, this makes me a total geek. So what?)