Every Rose Has It’s Thorn

Thank goodness I took the time to swatch the pink mohair for Grecian Rose before I went back to the store and bought the rest. It’s gorgeous. Pink, fluffy, soft to knit…until I touched it to my arm, where it turned into a square of thorns. It feels like there are bits of straw poking out of it into my arm. Sniff. I even tried washing it and letting it dry to see if maybe a washing would remove the itchiness. No such luck. Ah, well. I’m sure if I look around I’ll be able to find some other lovely pink fuzzy yarn that won’t drive me insane with scratchiness.

I think maybe this is a sign that I should be working on the projects I currently have going rather than starting something new…but that doesn’t mean I can’t be on the lookout for pink, fuzzy, non-scratchy yarn!