In an attack that has had all remote controls looking for hiding spots under the couch, TiVo – a one-year-old remote – was found mauled on the kitchen floor. Investigators believe that the bite marks are consistent with the signature bite marks left by Murphy “Destructo-Boy” Reilly. The trial took only a few moments, with the unanimous decision of the jury arriving after only 30 seconds of deliberation.
Destructo-Boy has been placed under house arrest, where he will remain until he repays his debt to society, or until his parole officer returns from work.
The owners of TiVo could not be reached for comment; however, sources close to them have revealed that a replacement TiVo remote had been acquired through an eBay auction and is being shipped via two-day shipping.
Destructo-Boy has told the media that it was simply his intention to ask TiVo to show him Good Dog U., which, tragically, was not even on TiVo at the time of the attack.