I realize that for many people, yesterday’s blackout was at the least an inconvenience…but I thought it was great! Let’s see…I finished the first sleeve of Janda. We dined on shrimp (easy to thaw) and potato chips…then I managed to cook rice pilaf in the microwave.
How? Well, during the most recent ice storm we bought a generator. And then, despite the fact that this sort of thing only happens once a decade, we paid to have an electrician hook it up to our circuit box so we could switch over to the generator when needed. So, we had TiVo (the cable was down), lights (in a couple of rooms), a fan, and a working fridge.
I dug out the battery-powered radio to find out what was going on (no internet and no cable make for a very uninformed Sarah). Is it just me, or does this look like E.T.? (Or, at least, a face?)
Anyway. After all that, we extricated my old telescope from a closet to check out Mars and the moon. Spent some time stargazing, turned off the generator, said a quick prayer that the power would still be out tomorrow (you know, like a snow-day), and went to bed.
(The power eventually came on, sometime around 3:30 this morning. Oh, well.)