I Stopped Procrastinating!

What’s this?!? Both sleeves of Janda blocking on the guest room floor! Yay! I spent all day Sunday watching football and knitting. At first I had to force myself to work only on the sleeve, but then as I got closer and closer to the end, I couldn’t put it down! All in all, I knit about two-thirds of the sleeve yesterday…kind of makes you wonder why it took me so long!

I also felted my Kureyon bag, which has turned into a little itty-bitty purse. I think the 6+ feet of i-cord I knitted has become too short for both handles…I may need to go buy another skein of the yarn, in which case I’m going to buy enough to also make one of these multidirectional scarves!

Other than these little projects, most of my knitting from here on in is going to be somewhat secret…after all, Christmas is coming, and I have a lot of projects I should be working on. Unless of course I decide to start more projects for me!

One thought on “I Stopped Procrastinating!

  • September 16, 2003 at 10:51 am

    there must be something in the air — i separated the lil beck sleeves last night and am now only about 10 rows away from finishing the first one!

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