…Yarn shopping, that is! After all, I finished a project! I actually finished Janda at Sit & Knit on Thursday, but I had to wait until daylight and free time coincided to have Denis take pictures. He’s still not so sure about this two color thing, but I like it!
Of course, I celebrated finishing a project by working on finishing all of the other in-progress projects…well, not really. I started another one. (Big surprise there, right?) But, really, honestly, I’m working on Christmas knitting now. No more distractions! Until the new yarn shop opens on Tuesday, anyway…
I like the hoody! Very cool, including the two-tone!*:)
Oh it looks great!!! So cozy and it looks great on you! Finish one, start 3, that’s my policy!
Looks perfect!
Thanks, all! Don’t worry Cindy – I’m well on my way to the finish one, start three tally. :)