With This Ring

I just got back from my cousin’s wedding. It’s funny how the ceremonies are different, the receptions are different, but once you’re married, every wedding you ever go to reminds you of your own.

The world will turn and the seasons will change,
and all the leassons we will learn will be beautiful and strange.
We’ll have our fill of tears, our share of sighs.
My only prayer is that you realize
you’ll always be beautiful in my eyes.
— Joshua Kadison, Beautiful In My Eyes

I wish my cousin and new cousin-in-law the best of everything in their marriage, and happiness always.

Little Knitted Things

I finished the knitting for the Kureyon tote Wednesday evening. Here it is in all of its unfelted glory! I’m going to try to felt it this weekend, but it’s shaping up to be a busy one, so we’ll see.

I also made up and knitted a tie pattern…my mom knitted a dress, and had extra yarn, so I made a tie for my dad to wear. Of course, I don’t really expect that he’ll wear it, but I’ll take pictures and put the pattern up sometime soon.

I have serious “second sleeve syndrome”. Granted, I had to finish the wedding cross-stitch, but I’ve been “working” on the second Janda sleeve for almost a month now. (Well, it’s been traveling in my knitting bag, anyway.) I only managed to put about 20 rows on it at Sit & Knit last night. Grr. It’s just this sleeve, a hood, and a couple of seams away from being done. Time to crack the whip I think!

The world is indeed full

The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair; and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.
— J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Molly’s Cat Sense is Tingling!

You know how Spiderman has his spidey sense? Well, Molly has a cat sense. She can be soundly sleeping on the kitchen floor, which is in the back of the house, then three milliseconds later be at the front window barking at a C.A.T. In the process, she scares the wits out of me of course.

We can’t figure out how she does it. Does she hear their footsteps in the yard? Do they telepathically taunt her? She certainly can’t see them from wherever she’s sleeping. At first we thought that maybe she would dream that a cat was in the front yard and wake up to go bark at it, but we have confirmed that there is almost always a cat in the yard, in the street, or in the yard across the street when she does this. Does anyone else have a dog with a mysterious cat sense, or is it just my goofy girl?

Oh, and thanks so far to Carolyn and Cindy for supporting the Walk for the Animals! I may have to up my goal a bit here!

Square Bunny?

So, how the heck does this work?

This is how! I’ve been in a sort of crafting slump since finishing the wedding cross-stitch – finishing big projects that I’ve intensely worked on does that to me – so I needed a quick project. Thankfully, I had a spare skein of yarn and just this morning found the perfect pattern for it!

I’ve also started another cross-stitch. (It’s pretty much impossible to bring a finished piece to the framer’s and not come home with the materials for a new project!) This one’s for me, with no deadline, so it won’t be nearly as stressful.

Walk for the Animals

Ever since we adopted Murphy from Lollypop Farm, I’ve wondered what I could do to help all of the sweet dogs that we didn’t adopt. So, Murphy and I are going to participate in the Barktober Fest Walk for the Animals on October 4th. (Molly and Denis may walk too, but on a shorter course more suited to her hip issues.)

My fund-raising goal is $50 – which would include my $20 registration fee – but I’d love to collect even more than that! I’ve set up a nifty little PayPal button (right above the calendar – yeah, over there, on the left side of the page) to make it easy to donate. The little progress bar doesn’t work in real-time, but I thought it would be neat to see, anyway.

If you want to see more information, you can check out my info page, or go straight to the source. Any donations are greatly appreciated!

Knit-Ball Season

This was me yesterday: Sit & Knit? Football? Sit & Knit? Football? Then I realized that football started at 9, and Sit & Knit ends by 10. Ahh. Sit & Knit and Football! Yay!

Too bad the Jets lost by more than 2 1/2 points. It’s probably not a good sign that my first pick of the season for the “just-for-braggin-rights-family-pool” was wrong. And now I’m paying for staying up until midnight. Is it nap-time yet?

Knitting Power

I got my hair done this morning, and brought my knitting along (of course) for the inevitable waiting. It amazes me how magnetic knitting is. Every single person who entered or left that lobby while I was there had a question or comment about knitting, even if it was just asking what I was working on. (For the record, I split my time between the Kureyon bag and the second Janda sleeve – I got there quite early since my mom and I had back-to-back appointments.)

And to think, each of those women would have been sitting there, bored and silent, were it not for a ball of string and a couple of sticks.

Hooray for Sweater Weather!

It’s a lovely cool 60° out there…time to pull out the long-sleeved shirts and light-weight sweaters! And as soon as I’m done with this wedding gift (soon, very soon) I can pull out the heavy-duty knitting! Yay!

I love September. And October, too. Well, Fall in general is great. And Spring. Actually, I really like all of the seasons, and the fact that we have them – I don’t know if I’d enjoy living somewhere where the weather is essentially the same year-round. Although, if you ask me that at the end of February, when it’s been snowing for months, I might tell you differently!