A have a question for all you knitters out there. Is it better/easier to do intarsia or duplicate stitch?
Here’s the hypothetical situation: I have a pattern – let’s call the pattern “Pat”1 – that is for an article of clothing. This article of clothing has some motifs on it. The pattern, Pat, wants the knitter to knit the article of clothing and then stitch the motifs on afterwards using duplicate stitch. Now Pat isn’t perfect. In fact, Pat is going to have to be completely re-calculated to my gauge and the size I’m going to make, since Pat really doesn’t come in the range of sizes I need. You could really call Pat more of a guideline than an actual pattern. So, would it make more sense, since I have to essentially re-write Pat anyway, to knit the motifs right in?
I’ve never done intarsia, per se, although I imagine it can’t be much harder than the color changes that happen in the middle of the rows for the patchwork sweaters. I’ve also never done duplicate stitching, although it seems like that’s awfully close to cross-stitching.
What are the advantages or disadvantages of these? Oh, and one other little thing is that Pat is going to be a gift for someone small, so should that be taken into account?
1The names have been changed to preserve the surprise.