Destructo-Boy Attacks Fuzzy Foot!

Once again, Destructo-Boy appears to be on a rampage in this househould. His latest crime: attempting to destroy one member of a pair of footwear called “Fuzzy Feet”. “Fuzzy Feet” were innocently napping on the hearth when, unprovoked, Destructo-Boy carried one off to the couch and started to eat it.

Passers-by stepped in to rescue the injured Fuzzy Foot. At first glance, Fuzzy Foot’s injuries seemed severe. Fortunately, “Fuzzy Feet” are very resilient, and since only its cuff was damaged, Fuzzy Foot was able to be repaired. The new cuff consists of a wool/nylon/acrylic blend, which Fuzzy Foot is quite happy with. In fact, the undamaged half of “Fuzzy Feet” has volunteered to undergo a similar procedure in order to allow the pair to match once again.

The owner of “Fuzzy Feet” has decided not to press charges. She acknowledges that “Fuzzy Feet” look and feel remarkably like the plush toys that Destructo-Boy is fond of chewing, and that the hearth was most likely not the wisest place to allow “Fuzzy Feet” to nap. P.E.T.P.T. (people for the ethical treatment of plush toys) is still up in arms, however, insisting that allowing Destructo-Boy free access to plush toys can cause just this sort of unprovoked attack, and that plush toys deserve to be treated better. P.W.T.P.E.T.P.T.A.S. (people who think people for the ethical treatment of plush toys are silly) believe that it was a simple case of neglect, and that the owner of “Fuzzy Feet” should be held accountable.

Destructo-Boy refused to comment on this incident, simply falling asleep on the couch when approached.