
That’s the first word that came to mind when my mom and I got to the fiber festival. We saw wool in every form, every blend, every color, every weight I’d ever imagined, and several combinations I hadn’t!

Let’s see…other than fiber we saw: a lady spinning a bunny, several breeds of sheep, alpaca and llamas, and lots of cute sheep dog puppies. I got to meet Carolyn and Claudia, as well as several other knitting bloggers. That was pretty neat! Claudia was kind enough to show me how to use the beginners’ drop spindle I bought…check out my first yarn!

So, what other goodies did I get besides a drop spindle? You’ll have to wait and see! You’ll also have to wait for the weird coincidence story – I’m much too sleepy to write about it right now!

I think that the Rhinebeck festival is going to be an annual “take time to fondle the fibers” trip. Only, next time, I’m not staying at the Ramada Inn (the pillows were hard as rocks, and they could have substituted sandpaper for the towels – they would have been softer that way!), I’m not stopping at any rest stop that contains a Roy Rogers (ummm, I was able to wring the grease out of my sandwich), and I’m staying for two nights (if I have to get in the car anytime in the next three weeks, it will be too soon!). Oh, and I will, next road trip, remember to test the @!#$% audio book on my iPod before I leave, so at least I’ll be prepared when it won’t play.