What are proto-projects? Those are the projects I have in my stash that have all the necessary pieces: yarn, pattern and needles (or linen, pattern, embroidery floss; or fabric, pattern, thread…you get the idea). They are in a state where they could be started at any time…I just need to find the time to start them.
Now, these are different from stalled projects, since they’ve never been started (aside from maybe a swatch). They also don’t really qualify as pure stash yarn/fabric/threads/etc., since they’re marked for specific projects. I have, oh, at least several dozen of these proto-projects floating around my house. They’re most concentrated in my craft room, but there are several in my living room, and I’m sure that I could find some in other rooms too.
I think I need to get control of these proto-projects. (I say this as I gaze longingly at the yarn I received yesterday for a new sweater…which can’t be started until Christmas knitting is under control.) I know it’s two months early, but I’m making my first new years’ resolution now: I must at least start a proto-project (thus moving it into my current project rotation…and probably eventually into stalled project mode for some amount of time) before buying supplies for another project. The word “start” is, of course, subject to interpretation… :)