Winter, Anybody?

Literally, as I went to post my previous entry, the power went down. And stayed down…for 6 1/2 hours!

Thank goodness for generators. Heat is a good thing. Oh, and so are malls which have large generators, and will cook you food. (Biaggi’s, the new Italian place at the mall, is fantastic!)

The power (and the internet) is back now, but it was fun, figuring out how exactly to make hot water without a stove or a microwave, but with power to several outlets. (The answer is to use the coffee pot. Mmmm. Cocoa.)

An added bonus: all the winds this morning blew the leaves clear into the next county, I think. At least, they’re all out of our yard…including the huge pile we had raked over to the street for the town to collect.

Small sad note: the roads are too icky to try and drive to Sit & Knit. Guess I’ll just have to sit at home and knit. Not nearly as social, but productive. That is, if I ever put down the computer and get back to knitting!


Today definitely qualifies as a blustery day! Between the massively high winds (supposedly gusting over 60 mph) and the power hits, Molly and Murphy were understandably nervous this morning. In fact, they were nervous enough to crawl into my lap…at the same time. 100 lbs. of dog is a bit much to have in your lap at any given time, especially when one of the dogs decides that the other dog has more than their fair share of lap, and they start fighting…while still scrunched up on said lap.

I was so tempted to call in “stormed in” and stay home on the couch, cuddling with my puppies and knitting. Ah, well.

Speaking of knitting, I’m this close to finishing another Christmas gift. Hopefully tonight, at Sit & Knit…assuming we don’t all blow away before then…