Could We Start Again, Please?

I’m having one of those days where I probably would have been better off going back to bed and trying again tomorrow morning. I really hope it gets better, because it’s a nice sunny day, and I’m in anything but a sunny mood.

Maybe I could crawl back under the covers for just a minute or two and get up on the right side of the bed this time?

Making a List, Checking it Twice.

  • Shopping done…check.
  • Cards done…check.
  • Tree decorated…check.
  • Boxes of decorations put away…no.
  • Outside decorations up…no.
  • Gifts wrapped…no.
  • Knitted gifts done…no.
  • Cookies baked…no.
  • Cookie dough made…no.
  • State of house…complete disaster.

How many days until Christmas? Let’s see, according to my handy countdown: 10. More importantly, how many days until we leave for NYC? Yeah, that would be 3. And how many concerts/parties/social gatherings do I have between now and then? At least 4. Plus, I have a full-time job…

Sleep? That’s overrated, right?

Can You (drip) Hear Me (drip) Now?

Amazing! Not that I’d recommend it, but the LG VX4400 phones that Verizon sells seem to be able to take a trip through the washer, then work just fine after they’ve had a chance to dry. No, I didn’t wash my phone, but my brother washed his. That’s the problem with these modern little itty bitty phones – they’re easily pocketable, which makes them a little more prone to being left in a pocket…and tossed in the wash.

His phone seems to work perfectly now – and it’s cleaner, too! :)

Thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes yesterday! My birthday is actually being stretched through the weekend – one of the benefits of it being on a Friday!

Happy Birthday To Me!

A little history: I’ve never liked my birthstone, blue zircon, because it’s this pale, weak turquoise that, well, I’ve never liked. But…

…we December babies now have a new birthstone! It’s this pretty light blue with a violet cast to it. How do I know this? Because my first birthday present of the day was a lovely necklace from Denis.

Of course, I then had a laundry crisis, because everything I could have worn to show off my new present needed to be washed. It’s amazing how fast things go through the wash, though, when you only put a few things in the washer, then dry them on volcano heat. :)

And no, I’m not going to tell you how old I am, because I’m old enough to know better!

Concerts and Christmas Trees

Do you have any idea how hard it is to play French horn when you can’t hear? My ears are still stuffed up from my cold last week. Last night’s concert went pretty well, but I didn’t play my best. Fortunately, it was in the mall, where there are so many other noises it wasn’t too obvious. And next week I have a chance to redeem myself at the concert in the school auditorium.

I have to admit, I was somewhat surprised at how many people came and stayed for the whole concert – I think the community band and chorus have somehow acquired a fan base. And thank you to everyone who came out to hear me play! :)

In other news, we’ve had our tree for two days now, but we were going to put it up last night (before the concert) and the chainsaw wouldn’t work to make the fresh cut. So, I still don’t have my tree up, and it’s only 2 weeks until Christmas. How long can you keep a tree bundled up in the plastic mesh before the branches stay that way permanently? Anyway, at least I’ve managed to clear a spot in the living room, and a path to that spot. The rest of the living room is literally covered in Christmas gifts, and yarn to create the rest of the Christmas gifts with. The dining room also has gifts spread from one end of the room to the other. I’d like to start wrapping things, but I don’t think I’ll be able to find a large enough flat surface!


So what do you do with leftover sock yarn after making a pair of socks? Make mini socks!

I actually gave these socks to my niece Lizzy during our visit at Thanksgiving, but I just now picked up the camera and realized I had pictures in there I hadn’t done anything with. Silly me!

Anyway, kids socks are so much faster to make than adult socks – each sock was about an evening of knitting. And, as you can see, she couldn’t wait to put them on…actually, I think they go very well with her purple plaid dress and pink stripe stockings!

I hope I can make a kids’ pair out of all my sock yarn leftovers. Of course, that implies that I have the time to knit up all of my sock yarn. Someday I’m going to put it all in one place and count how many pairs of socks I can make. I honestly don’t know, but I’d guess that it’s at least a dozen pair of adult socks, plus whatever kids socks I can get from the mini-balls. Hello, my name is Sarah, and I’m a sock yarn addict.

Sharing, Finally!

Want the skinny on my new knitting project? Take a pile of blue railroad yarn, add size 13 needles, and you get…a pile of knitted blue railroad yarn!

Really, this is going to become something wearable. I think. And if it does, it’s going to be my holiday outfit (over something, obviously). It’s very loosely based on this pattern, although I’m really just using that for the overall shape. More details can be found here.

Can You Hear Me Now?


I forgot to mention that our cell phone numbers were finally transferred on Sunday. I’m still not sure that it’s all working right, but at least my new phone does ring sometimes. Of course, I have no idea how many calls aren’t getting through, but I guess if it’s important, they’ll call back. Or leave a message, which I’m also not 100% sure always goes to my new service. (I have had one incident so far where someone did try to call, the phone never rang, and my old phone showed a new voice mail message, which, of course, I couldn’t pick up.)

I still sound like I have the plague, but I feel quite a bit better. I actually left the house today, went to work, did a tiny bit of yarn and food shopping. Now it’s 11:00 and I’m wiped out. And that is why details about my newest knitting project, which is not a gift and therefore fair game for posting, will have to wait. (What’s that, you say? There are still 9 gifts to be done? Yes, well, about those…I figure I have at most about 30 hours of knitting left for gifts, which is really just a good chunk of knitting time this weekend and a couple of evenings next week.) And now, I’m going to go find my pillow and sleep, before I just decide to use my laptop as a pillow and sleep in this chair.

Human Again…Sort Of

Well, I’m better, but I’m still skipping Sit & Knit tonight. :( I look forward to my weekly coffee & chat fix, and between traveling and being sick, I’ve missed it for three weeks now. Waaaaah. I hope no one’s too mad at me, I lost track of time and forgot to call anyone to say I wouldn’t be there.

Anyway, another Christmas present is just a couple of rows away from being done. For that matter, I have one that’s mere yards away from done-ness…however, I don’t have those yards. Really, I can do math: 2/3 of 750 yards is 500, right? So of course a 430 yard skein should be enough. Really. Grrr. I have to get better so I can go buy another skein of yarn before they run out of the dye lot. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the extra 360 yards, though.

Speaking of yards, I was thinking yesterday. (Yeah, yeah, I know, it’s a rare occurrence.) I realized that when I knit an adult sweater, anywhere from 1-2 miles of yarn travels through my fingers. That’s pretty cool to think about!

Uh-oh. I just ran out of Kleenex…I think there’s another box in the linen closet…I have to go look, and then get back to knitting!