I came home to a package the other day that contained these:
Aren’t they gorgeous colors? Thank you Carolyn! Now I just need to buy several more bobbins, because I seem to be about as good at sticking to one spinning project as I am at sticking to one knitting project…in other words, not at all!
My wheel came with 5 bobbins. When I tried to ply the first time, I had the two bobbins of natural wool that I was going to ply, and one of pink wool that I’d started spinning. Now, I am a smart girl, I realized that two full bobbins of singles would produce two full bobbins of plied yarn. However, I didn’t realize until then that one of the bobbins they sent was different. (Well, OK, I had realized it looked different, but I didn’t realize until I tried to use it that it didn’t fit.) I had to do a bit of juggling to finish plying my yarn. So, since I currently have two bobbins of pink singles, one of purple, and one in the mail to be exchanged for the right one, I need more bobbins! (I’m good at justifying these things!)
Oh, and here’s a gratuitous puppy picture. They were being so cute this morning, I had to do a photo-shoot. I still need to play a bit with the camera – it took several shots before I was happy with the lighting and the exposure – but I was more worried about whether they were looking at me, and if they were just going to riot and tackle me for the treats I had in my hand!

You can tell that these dogs are well taken care of. Look how shiney their coats are. Very cute picture.
The M&Ms…heheheh!
That wool looks like cotton candy….makes me want to eat some “exotic” flavors, as exotic as the colors they are! (I am assuming they’re wool balls!)