Do you ever wish you were still two and could have a tantrum when something really upset you?
Sometimes I do.
I guess that’s kind of silly. Especially since we’re not talking about some earth-shattering event here…just a mistake in the way a pattern was written, causing me to have to rip and re-do part of mystery knit 2. In the end, it was only an hour of my time, but I spent a lot longer than that dwelling on it. Isn’t knitting supposed to be enjoyed?
Thankfully, my yarn from Ireland for Rogue hasn’t turned up on my doorstep yet, so I had no distractions from ripping and re-doing. I’m hoping for a finished project by the end of the weekend, although it involves a lot of attached i-cord (which I’ve never done), and a zipper (which I don’t have yet). So, maybe there will be a mostly finished project by the end of the weekend…