An Open Letter To Comment Spammers

To all those who leave comments advertising pill suppliers, adult sites, and yes, even zip code look-up sites on my blog:

Don’t you have anything better to do with your pathetic little lives than to leave strange comments with inappropriate links on my personal blog? My blog readership isn’t that big. And I sincerely doubt any of the people who actually read my blog are stupid enough to click on your links. As far as Google ranking goes, I delete the comments long before Google could ever possibly see those links. All you are doing is wasting your time…and mine. And I honestly don’t care if you waste your own time, but I have better things to do with my time than to clean up the graffiti you post on my site.

So, I’ll ask nicely: stop spamming me. I’ll find a way to prevent it anyway, even if you don’t.

A Frustrated Blog Owner

Now, to all those who leave nice, friendly comments on my blog – or even unfriendly comments, as long as they are relevant:

Please don’t stop commenting! And thank you for letting me vent! Since I delete these things before most people see them, you have no idea how much of this goes on – and I intend to keep it that way – but to give you an idea, I have deleted hundreds of comments with inappropriate content from this blog.

Movable Type 3.0 is going to come out soon, and I am probably going to implement a registration system. That doesn’t mean you can’t comment if you don’t register, but your comments will be queued for review. I really hate to do this to my regular visitors, but I’ve got to stop this somehow.