Happy (Belated) Easter!

Reflections on Easter while pregnant:

  1. Having running water in the large, seasonal baptismal font (more like a jacuzzi) in church is a very bad thing, especially when mass is longer than usual.
  2. Not eating lunch because dinner is at 4 and breakfast was at 10 is a very bad idea, especially when it causes one to pick at the velveeta cheese and artichoke leaves…all afternoon.
  3. Eating for two at Grandma’s should mean eating less than is customary for one, since there just isn’t room for baby and a full stomach in there. Oh, and desserts should be completely off-limits.
  4. If the above is not followed, large amounts of Tylenol and Tums should be taken before bed, to prevent agita.
  5. If the above advice is also not taken, one should expect to not be able to sleep. At all.

Other than that, though, yesterday was a very nice day. Almost our whole extended family was there – just my “baby” brother who couldn’t come home from college and a significant other or two were missing. Little Benjamin was the star of the party, of course, and I tried not to hog him, but it’s just so nice to hold little babies. I kept having to remind myself that I would soon have one of my own to hold as much as I want. (And I’ll probably be happy to have other people do most of the holding in big family gatherings, too!)

I promise, tomorrow, a big crafty post. All the work is done, I just have to find some energy to write. Maybe I’ll get some sleep tonight…where’s the Tums bottle?