I’m Melting!

It was just too hot today. I know, I know, I complained about the cold not too long ago, but we skipped spring and went straight to mid-summer temperatures and humidity. After working all day in a room with several computers that was just shy of 90°, I had band rehearsal tonight in a room with lots of people blowing hot air. I was ready to dump my bottled water over my head instead of drinking it! Oh, and I know Sousa marches are really popular with everyone, but those of us who play French horn truly hate them. Try playing off-beats every measure with no breaks and see how quickly you hyperventilate.


No knitting was accomplished today, because I was so overheated when I got home it was all I could do to collapse in a chair and revel in the central air. What am I going to do in July?!?

(Yes, this post is essentially one long complaint. Sorry!)